Overview Of Care Needs
There are a range of available help via our local authorities and we feel it may be useful to use our online assessment tool to have a picture of what to expect in relation to your needs. Download Care Support Information
You can also download the following PDF to help evaluate your needs and provide Care Teams with a useful overview of your requirements. Please fill it in and return to admin@careteams.co.uk
5 = Requires full assistance
4 = Needs guidance and some assistance
3 = Requires minimal supervision/assistance
2 = Requires encouragement only
1 = Self-care / Independent
Nutritional intake
5 = Peg tube/supplementary feeding
4 = Needs assistance
3 = Eats with moderate assistance
2 = Minimal supervision/encouragement/ help by cutting up food
1 = Self-care / Independent
Personal Hygiene
5 = Requires bed bath or full assistance of 2 or more people
4 = Requires 1 member of staff for assistance
3 = Requires continual prompting
2 = Minimal assistance required
1 = Self-care / Independent
5 = Immobile/hoist needed
4 = Always needs help from staff when walking
3 – Needs help from 1 staff member, wheelchair/other aid
2 = Independent with aids
1 = Independent without aids
5 = Incontinent of urine and or faeces
4 = Catheterised – continence programme/aid in use
3 = Occasional incontinence
2 = Continent but requires assistance
1 = Continent – independent with toileting
4 = L3 – Senior Carers SVQ3/Nurses
3 = L2 medication – Carer
2 = L1 medication – Prompt
1 = Independent
5 = Restless, wandering, hyper-active, hypo-active
4 = disturbed behaviour towards self/others
3 = Intermittent restlessness
2 = Mild confusion/demanding
1 = No issues
5 = Unable to communicate any needs
4 = Difficulty in communicating needs
3 = Able to communicate most needs
2 = Able to communicate some needs
1 = Communicates independently
5 = Deaf
4 = Auditory impairments
3 = Limited hearing
2 = Good hearing with aids
1 = normal hearing
5 = Blind
4 = Limited vision
3 = Some Loss
2 = Good sight with glasses
1 = Good sight without aids
5 = Bad sleep pattern/hyperactive
4 = Irregular sleep pattern/light sleeper/ frequently awake
3 = Poor sleep pattern
2 = Normal sleep pattern with sedation
1 = Normal sleep pattern
5 = Severe anxiety/panics
4 = Insecure symptoms
3 = Secure in certain environments
2 = Mild anxiety
1 = Appears secure
5 = Antisocial/disruptive/aggressive/abusive
4 = Deficient interpersonal skills
3 = Occasional inappropriate communication
2 = Certain skills deficient
1 = Communicates appropriately/considerate
Social Activities
5 = Unable to participate mentally or physically in social activities
4 = Totally dependent on staff to interact with activities
3 = Requires encouragement and guidance to participate and interact
2 = Requires some encouragement
1 = Interacts independently and willingly / self-motivated
Dependency as per the following RATING SCORES:
> 56 (greater than 56) = VERY HIGH / 5 allocated hours of care
43 – 56 = HIGH / 4 allocated hours of care
29 – 42 = MEDIUM / 3 allocated hours of care
15 – 28 = LOW / 2 allocated hours of care
14 or less = VERY LOW / 1 allocated hour of care